Saturday, July 12, 2008

holiday= boring ???

well, finished exam 10days already, stay at home without doing anything, sleep, eat, play game, go out with girl fren and frens even through i got go to the gym, lolx ~maybe that's the only meaningful things that i've done in this holiday. So, i guess i just realized that i don't wanna waste my time this way, yeah, that means i have to change, and that's why till now i have't sleep yet, because i guess i just slept too much already( in the day ) when comes to the evening just felt no more sleepy, which is not normal and unhealthy also, i dont wanna be like that, no target, no i always wish myself can be success someday. so, right here, right now, am still a wake and writen down this. and star my now plan for the new period.
I dont know about final exam result, and i can not do anything to change my passed, the result will be out at 19th, so let's see how it gose. Emmm~~it's time to ask mum to bank in money to me, i felt like myself is a black sheep, why cant i do something for my family but just let them worry about me, i felt very guilty also, mum says she totally understand that how much i took the pressure from the study, well , is iz that heavy? deep down i know i didt pay my effort, am sorry for her again, but i dont wanna make her down, so here i have to say '' yes mum, am standing still'' and i promise to you i will change my attitude for study... see my action!

Friday, May 9, 2008


妈妈,直到现在长大后的我,才发现你是多么伟大,我爱你,但是我也知道,我们母子间的爱是永远不能平衡的,妈,我这辈子注定欠你太多。妈妈,现在你在做什么?是不是又在想着我,你唯一的儿子?中国现在已经是凌晨时分了,。妈妈,我们这边今天晚上的月亮好亮好亮。时间过的好快,一转眼又是一年母亲节了。看着天上多多白云,微风吹过,今年是我独自度过的第4个母亲节了。妈妈,你也一定非常羡慕别人家孩子可以帮他妈妈过母亲节吧? 我记得你曾经说过,我走后,你最怕过的就是星期六星期天了。那个时候总会看到周围的孩子和父母团聚,可是我离你太远了。你看不到!我还记得你说过,我要是能和其它孩子一样在周围的城市上大学就好了,这样你没事的时候坐个火车就能看到了。妈妈你知道吗?当你说这些的时候,看着你脸上寞落的表情,我真的很惭愧!我做的很不称职,没有给你带来什么欢乐,更没为你分担过什么。所有的一切都不负责任的丢给你,一个人跑到这个遥远的国家来,一走就是4年!妈妈,对不起!真的对不起!妈妈,我非常感谢你给了我生命,把我带到这个精彩的世界,让我经历这丰富的人生,给我一个温暖的家。在我最脆弱的时候,是你鼓励我。妈,你知道吗?最让我感动的一句话就是你说无论我做错什么,失去了什么都不要担心,不要沮丧,我还有你、有爸爸。家是我最强硬的后盾。我真的真的很幸运,好象什么苦都吃过,可是我拥有着全世界最多最多的幸福。 “你入学的新书包,有人给你拿。你雨中的花折伞有人给你打,你爱吃的三鲜陷,有人给你包。你委屈的泪花,有人给你擦。”妈妈你一定非常熟悉这首歌吧?是我最喜欢听的,可是每次听都会很难过。特别是在远离你的日子里!妈。有多久没有让你给我拿过新书包,给我打过伞了?!不要责备自己,我的好妈妈。我已经长大了,这些都要自己去面对。妈妈!又有多久没吃过你包的饺子了?!今年暑假的时候吃着你包的饺子,眼泪就往碗里掉!咸咸的眼泪就着滚烫的饺子,包着妈妈浓浓的情谊,放在我的心里。那个味道,是妈妈的味道,醇醇的,香香的。我想我这辈子都会牢牢记得。 妈你知道吗?这些年我受了委屈,只能默默哭泣。不敢跟你说!我真的好想你,想跟妈妈说说我的委屈!我不是个冷血的人,只是一个人在外面独立在外就必须坚强,这样妈你才能放心。我知道我身在他乡,妈妈是那个最担心的人!妈你还记得吗?你说:儿行千里母担忧。我说,我行千里为娘愁。愁你会不会按时喝水?会不会好好照顾自己?会不会开心?有没有生病?我不能陪在身边尽为人子女的陪伴,4年虽然很短暂,可是我知道我拉下了长长的一课!可是妈你从来都没有怨言,每次在我离开的时候,为了不让我难受你都强忍着泪水,强装着笑容,你说你有我这个儿子你很荣幸。妈妈,我一直一直都忘记告诉你,我有你这样的妈妈我很自豪。。 妈,你知道吗?为什么那年夏天,中学的时候,我总是粘着你?没事总是妈妈妈妈的叫,你问我有什么事,我又不说话,就说没事,就是想多叫叫。妈妈,在你身边的日子,总是喜欢托托你的手,抱抱你。暑假身体总不好,经常上医院,可是我一点都不担心,一点都不难过。虽然很难受,可是身边有妈妈啊,多幸福。虽然身体不舒服,可是我还是觉得很幸福,很幸福! 第一次走的那天,你在飞机场站了多久?!本来我不想叫你看着我的背影离开,不想开着飞机飞走,每次总是你目送着我的背影,妈妈,我知道那个背影给人留下的感觉很不好。会让送的人觉得很孤独!可是妈妈,你还是站到最后看着我离开。要不是你在临起飞前call我,大概我还在埋头哭泣吧?大概我永远都不会知道! 所有点点滴滴回忆的片段拼接在一起,让我好想见妈妈,哪怕就一眼我也满足。妈,这篇文章不华丽,但是我真实的感情,我难用笔描绘出来。这些字不是用墨写出来的,是饱沾着我的思念我的眼泪写下了。也许它们不美丽,但是却是我最想对你说的!妈,我只是想跟你说说我的心里话。 回到这边快3个月了,我一切都好。每天都很忙碌,我有记得每天上学前吃早点,天气还是很好的,没有寒冷,所以你不要担心我的身体。马上就要到周末了,可以好好休息了。在假日里,我最常做的看着晚上的月亮。眺望着祖国的方向,想念着家乡的一切。 妈妈,今天是母亲节,为此,我上blog为妈妈送上我的祝福! 不知道不觉时间过的真快,夜已深了。妈现在你睡的好吗?希望你今天晚上做个好梦。希望那个梦里有我!我托星星月亮给你带去信息,让它们告诉你,我想你了。你收到了吗?我的妈妈,我的天使。

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Today, woke up so eariler, cuz last nite i was damn tired, lolx ( sorry ) Friday i was woke up 7.30am in the morning, cuz Stevon and me we went to jogging in subang lake, on lakeside there were alots ppl, most of them are older then us, but doset mean they are worse than us in jogging, i dont know why, but i ran only two circles around the lake, compare with last time, -_- , but anyway that makes me felt i need do more exercise. bth for lose weight and healthy life.
One more thing, we won the 3rd Price of Gengting Trip, lolx ~~so happy, we can win even with out knowing each other, actually till now , i still dont know them all, but anyhow, i proud of them all, haha ~~i went to get the price alone, not sure where are they all, but i can keep it first. no worrise.
After that we went to Sunway, watch movie, the horror ghost movie, Carmen was the one who scared of that the most. hah ( sorry , men ) then Bh went to his frens gang, Mak went to Nilai, Carmen, Huisan ,Victor and i we planned to go small gengting, but somehow last night Cheras was heavy traffic jam. so we went to the other gogeous place, but on the way we were going, i slept. and after arrived, we already had no mood. cuz took a lot time to be there, i think. okei `anyway, last nite was bored. i dont know wat to say....

Monday, April 21, 2008

chirs brown - with you

lol ~i listen to the song singing by chris, found i like this song, lolx , in this special nite, i could like to sing to you , babe.....
such a nice song , just go listen plz ~!I need you boo
I gotta see you boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight

Sunday, April 20, 2008

mak's birthday party

yesterday, it was mak's birthday party, we went to jogoya to celebrete for his birthday, and we had really happy time there. Jogoya is a good place for dinner, many differet types of food there, BBQ, Chinese food, Japanese sushi and so so much, but i think too many ppl were there, so it was a bit compelicated, anyway ~there were 3 tables, we were sitting with our frens. we just went to there eat eat eat, haha ~~took a lot to things to our table and eat. in the end everyone becomed pig tummy already. and we took pics there, am going to post it later. by the way ~i got the new shoes and ties ,and we took pic beside LV shop . i like them too ....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New blog was born~

I don't even remember how many time i already had blog and deleted it, everytime i treat my blog as the memo, the piece of paper i throw it away anytime, as long as i felt which is useless. Obviously this new blog i just got from my another 心血来潮. Anyway, i hope this one will servive longer than de others be4, cuz i've decide will treat this is my very personal boxes. i hope i can pay enought attention to it, and write some words truly from my heart. lolx ~cheers for my new blog!